“Is the culture of consumption good for American society?” 

thesis: The culture of consumption is not inherently bad for American society, but would be better if it were manifested in a different way.


Opening/ ‘Clincher’: No one can deny the high that comes with going on a shopping spree, but is that high one of an Enlightened mind after a particularly challenging session of meditation, or the high of a junkie who is a few hours past his fix?

        -Consumerism can be harnessed into positive energy, though it is mostly used for what we consider ‘bad’ (Shames’s          article + how the desire for "more" can never quite be fulfilled)

         -according to Maasik and Solomon, there is renewed interest in cultures past that pop culture brings about
        -these two schools of thought can be combined to show that consumerism is not an incurable ill, but rather something that can be good.

Thus, the culture of consumption is not inherently bad for American society, but would be better if it were manifested in a different way.


I. Obviously, if we do not know why we're consuming or why we feel the constant desire of 'more', as Laurence Shames describes it, that is not an aware or positive act of progress.

         -it still is progress

         -let's look at some things consumerism brings into our cultural consciousness

II. Consumerism brings about renewed interest in older or different culture (vampires), although not in the same    
way as these were originally presented; though, it can for some people (Dracula is more readily available, nowadays).

                        - Though, perhaps, most people do not look past the immediate rush or pleasure in consuming a new                        phenomenon (vampire love stories, for instance), there are others who can and do.
III. hipster culture: a passing fad or a revival in older, harder to find culture?

                       -1920's mustaches, tape recorders and portable CD players becoming 'hip', old films and fashion trends of                different eras ---> done, perhaps, as more of a "statement", but can spark interest, help expand knowledge,            intrigue at older ways of life and help fill the gap of generations disconnect (consumerism can be used for 'good')


         -Consumerism is not inherently bad, but has been used by big companies as a blind mechanism to allow people to keep contributing to the economy. It can be used for good, just as it is being used to expand knowledge and bring generations closer in the dreaded 'hipster movement'.

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